
A healthy cashflow is one of the most important elements of a successful and lasting business. Our AR Automation solution provides teams with the needed tools and information to accelerate collections.

OPTIMISE CASHFLOW with automated processes

Automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks

Maximise your AR team’s impact and allow automation to step in, reduce errors and free up valuable time. Automate time-consuming processes such as:

  • Preparation and distribution of documents and statements
  • Live tracking of all documentation sent
  • Linking and reconciliation of supporting documentation and proof of deliveries
  • Document archiving and retrieval
  • Payment allocation and remittance
  • Credit applications
With System1A

Businesses can optimise their processes using e-invoicing and enjoy the enhanced information and automation power that comes with it:

Accelerate workflows, whilst minimising queries and delays

Leave miscommunication delays in the past with enhanced communication and workflow tools, including:

  • Centralised communication portals with tailored user permissions
  • Automated reminders
  • Custom client broadcasts
  • Direct client access to all, relevant supporting documentation
  • Auto-computed cashflow forecasts

Focus on the
Automate the rule.

Avoid getting lost in large volumes of data with auto-populated, reporting dashboards. Track key AR metrics such as:

  • Client payment and AR collection KPIs
  • Cash inflow trends
  • Breakdown of unpaid or overdue invoices
  • Client purchase trends and concentrations
  • Outlying or unusual transactions, requiring further investigation

Make it easy for customers to pay on time.

Become your clients' dream supplier by making their jobs significantly easier with time-saving features such as:

  • Real-time tracking of all outstanding invoices and payments
  • Automated linking of purchase orders and proof of deliveries
  • Direct access to all underlying documentation
  • Built-in communication tools for immediate query resolution

Unlock the power of Financial Information Symmetry